service questions
How to place a new system in X-ray room?The organization of the X-ray department must comply with SanPiN Send us a plan of your X-ray room and our engineers will help you prepare the terms of reference for the design organization.
Can I come and receive training on the use of equipment at your facility?We will be happy to show our customers how the manufacturing process for the production of equipment is organized. As for the direct training on the use of our systems, it is better to do it at the place of their operation. We have such a service as ...
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What information must be indicated in the letter for an employee of the company to contact me?In any request, let us know who is expecting an answer from us, indicate their phone number or e-mail address, as well as their full name. It is desirable to indicate a convenient time for contact. If the answer to your question is not in the user do...
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Will my e-mail requests to your company be considered?Sure. We consider and respond to all requests from our clients.
How can I track the execution of a repair request?We are currently working on automating the work with requests. Soon it will be possible to send an application via the Internet and track the status of its implementation. You can also find out the status by calling (812) 325-02-06 or by writing a re...
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Where can I get comprehensive information about the technical characteristics of your system?We have prepared quite detailed documentation for you. You can find all the necessary parameters of the installed equipment in the passport and user documentation that comes with the system.
Where to send gratitude for the work of your specialists?There are times when you want to say thank you for your work. We are very pleased to receive such messages about the work of our employees from our clients. If you have a desire to inform us about the good work of our team, write your positive feedba...
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How to complain about the quality of the work of specialists?We are very attentive to the quality of the services provided. Do not be afraid to give feedback on the work of our employees, it will help us become better. If you do not like something in our work, please let us know your opinion by phone (812) 325...
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How and with whom to conclude a maintenance contract?Maintenance of equipment is a prerequisite for operation. Maintenance contracts are concluded with organizations that have all the necessary documents for this type of work. This is a licensed activity. Our company recommends asking the service provi...
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What is the warranty for the system and how not to violate it?In accordance with Russian legislation, a warranty period is provided for each system. Typically, this is one year. However, it is necessary to clarify what period of guarantee was offered by the manufacturer for the equipment of a specific delivery....
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How can I find out the system number?You can see the number of the system on the information plates pasted on the main parts of the system. You can also look at the passport for the equipment.
I have a software question, who will answer it?We are ready to provide any consulting support for our system, however, we ask you to formulate your appeal before contacting our support service. To do this, read the appropriate section of the operating instructions, so it will be easier for our co...
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Our system is broken, what should we do?Stop taking patients immediately. Report the malfunction to the supervisor, make an entry in the maintenance log with a brief description of the breakdown and the possible cause. Make an application to the service organization with which a maintenanc...
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Saint Petersburg +7 (812) 325 02 02
Moscow +7 (495) 935 77 85